Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous. I’m glad you are here! Living my life with a progressive muscle disease, I’m no stranger to the self-blame game. Whether it be brought on from outside sources or my own thoughts, self-blame towards my lack of physical abilities is always waiting in the wings to attack. It’s an automatic go to if I’m not careful. It’s not helpful to me in any way. If I’m not my own cheerleader in a situation like this, how can I expect anyone else to be? I’ve spent the last several years trying to correct damaging thought patterns. Most of my life, I was extremely negative towards myself and my disability. Retraining your brain is definitely possible, and it is something I’m capable of doing. I’ve seen a lot of progress in myself. However, it takes consistency and diligence, and a whole lot of patience. You have to go into it accepting you will take two steps forward and one step back over and over. Recently, I thought about how not that...