Hello and welcome to a new week at Humbly Courageous. I am always happy you are here! School has started back, and I got my oldest moved back into college. We are settling back into a routine, which always makes life a little easier for me. I like knowing what to expect (as much as possible). Next week, my youngest gets his driver’s license, and well, yeah I can’t even think about that without getting teary eyed. Gone will be the days when I’m needed in that way. The end of an era. As grueling as all that shuttling around can be when you are in the midst of it, you can also sense that one day when it’s over you will miss certain parts abut it. Especially the car talks, IYKYK! So, life will press on as it does and I will learn to roll with the changes because I have to. Just a little life update in our world! Burnout- as defined by Miriam Webster is “ exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration”. Likely everyone readi...