Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous. I’m glad you are here. Spring has sprung! We are through the darkest and coldest days, and can enjoy 6 months of a lot more daylight!
Anyone else have a diary with a lock on it in your early school days? Where you kept your deepest secrets and privately wrote about your childhood crushes? Under NO circumstances was anyone to even try to open that masterpiece under lock and key!
During a recent attic clean out my husband brought a couple of boxes down for me to go through. They contained the last shreds of my life before adulthood. In the boxes were two diaries I kept. One during my younger years, and one during college days. There was some talk about young relationships, but mostly there were pages and pages filled with my insecurities regarding my disability in both. Not much changed between the two. Insecure and silently struggling with something no one understood. In these pages I referred to my disability as my “problem”. How sad that makes me to read. No wonder I couldn’t accept myself. I was seeing myself as a very damaged person who drew a bad hand. Lost. Needing answers.
Countless times I expressed, “why me?” My young mind wasn’t yet grasping that I could choose to focus on the good in my life. There was lots of it. I was laser focused on my “problem”. When you give something in your life that much attention, it’s almost impossible to clearly see anything else. Everything going on in my life always went back to my problem. Whether it was to blame or not, it was the blame for everything that went wrong in my life.
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