Hello and welcome to the last post of 2022! I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. That’s what everyone always says, right? It’s just feels more true each and every year. At some points in our lives, we want time to slow down so we can bask in our comfort, peace or joy, and at other times when life is unbearable, we just want it to speed up and for that time to pass quickly. The one thing we all as human beings have in common, is that we can’t control any of that! For me, in many ways, 2022 has been a wonderful year. I started the year off being chosen as MDA’s National Ambassador, which as I’ve said, was just a dream come true. It gave me a new purpose, and has really pushed me outside of my comfort zone in SO many ways. I’ve definitely grown and learned a lot about myself and others. When I accepted the role, I just had to do it afraid. I knew it would challenge me, and public speaking, well I’ve come a long way in that arena, as far as being comfortable telling my life...