Hello and welcome to a new week at Humbly Courageous. I am glad you are here. I wonder if my children will ever grasp the truth that watching them run has healed my hurts from never being able to run? Or, all that watching them run has taught me. Not their job, but it’s what happened. God knew the next best thing would be for me to watch my children run. What a beautiful thing it is. When you have children, you think about all you will teach them. Sometimes you even stress about what you need to teach them in the time you have with them under your roof. It can seem overwhelming when thinking too far ahead. One thing no one talks too much about is all that your children will teach you. I have learned so much about myself through raising my two sons. I’ve learned that I do some things well, and I’ve also learned that some things that I do/did, need/needed to be let go or changed. In fact, I’m still learning from them and my boys are 17 and 21. One last run together under...