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Showing posts from August, 2021

About Me

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Humbly Courageous
Hi, I’m Amy. I live life with a condition called Bethlem Myopathy which is a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. I like to help others by showing how I live well with a debilitating condition. I was born with this disease, so it’s the only way I know life. I continue to work on embracing myself and using that to help others.


The Incline

Hello, and welcome back! You know that point when you are climbing a hill, and you are at the spot that feels the hardest? The part where you think, wow this is steep I’m just not sure I can get to the top. That’s how it feels to live with muscle weakness. You are constantly in that place, the one that feels the hardest. The one where you question how will I do this, it’s so steep? You think, I want to turn back, but you can’t. You have to keep climbing because it’s the only way.  I struggle with describing muscle weakness. The type that I feel. In the past I’ve used words like heavy, or suffocating, scary, and while all those are certainly accurate, I still feel like they don’t truly depict what it’s like.  As I was leaving church last week, we were walking out. It’s in an auditorium, and we had been at the bottom. There is a ramp on the lower level that you walk up to exit. As I was walking up it, holding onto Jamie, I got to that spot, and I thought to myself, this is what ...

Your Story MATTERS

Hello and welcome back! Do you ever struggle with that inner voice, the one that tells you that you aren't good enough, or you’re not keeping up, or everyone else is so far ahead of you and achieving all these things, and you will never get there? Of course you probably do. I think we all struggle with that. We are human.  This is the 38th blog post I have written. I go through these periods as I have mentioned before of why am I even doing this? What in the world does a 47 year old woman living with Muscular Dystrophy have to offer or say that even MATTERS??!! Turns out, a lot I guess.  Every time I think of hanging this up, whatever this even is.....I get a message, I kid you not every time, from someone telling me that because of what I am doing it's helping them. So what right? One person, you are doing all this work for one person? Maybe some weeks I am, and other blogs like last week's blog, really got a lot of traction. In the end, it really doesn't matter if it...

The Deep Weep

Hello and welcome back! Do you ever allow yourself to deeply weep? It could be the result of something good or bad that causes the deep weep, or it could just be an overwhelming sense of gratitude when you reflect on how far God has carried you, and all you have been through in your life. I don’t often deeply weep because it feels out of control to me, and I like to be in control to a fault, no doubt. However, sometimes strong emotions just take over and you should let them pass through.  This past weekend most definitely will go down in my memories as one of the the best moments of my life. My dear sister, along with the help of my husband and my cousin arranged a glorious surprise for this year’s muscle walk for MDA! It really was a dream come true just seeing all who showed up to support me. I did cry when they surprised me, but those were baby happy tears! It wasn’t until a few days later when I was looking back on the pictures when the deep weep hit me. All those people who we...

Excuse Me!

Hello and welcome back! I want to give a shout out to my faithful readers. I know there are a few of you who read every week and I am so appreciative 😊 Excuse me, are you so lazy that you can’t return the cart to the cart corral? Um, no sir , but I am so weak I don’t think I could take another step and safely return to my car. As you can see I am disabled.  What he didn’t see was that it took every ounce of strength I had to walk into the store, grab a cart and walk all around getting essential items that my family needs. Sure I could ride on one of the carts at the store, but here is the problem with that….half of the items on the shelves are not within reach when you are sitting.  Another reason I choose to forego the electric cart is because I can still walk. I have to admit that when I walk into a store, I look longingly at the electric cart and think, gosh that would be so much easier to just get on that and it would save so much of my energy. Yes, all true. Also true is...