Hello! Welcome back to another blog! Last week Jamie and I had the opportunity to go and speak to a track club we used to belong to with our boys called Body in Training. We were asked to do the weekly devotional. I spoke first and then Jamie went after me sharing his part of our journey together. Luke is coaching at BIT this season, so he was there as well to hear us tell our story which was really awesome. The feedback we got after that evening was amazing. I realized even more, that it's not just people with Muscular Dystrophy that my story helps, but people struggling with all kinds of things in their lives. I was overwhelmed by some of the responses, and it was just more proof to me that God indeed is working through me because I am open to that. So, for this week's blog, I would like to share my part of the speech. Here it is...... Hello, first of all I would like to thank Paul and Becky for inviting me here to speak to you all this evening. It’s an honor to be back wi...