Acceptance, that is the word I am choosing to focus on this year. It's definitely a word I have wrestled with most of my life. What I have trouble with accepting is that my mind, which is not disabled as my body is, would like to do all these wonderful active things. Exercising, deep cleaning (yes, I'm kind of weird!), long walks in the woods, difficult hikes, organizing, cooking for hours and so on. I find it interesting that my body longs to do a lot of things that it may never do, unless there is a cure for my unlabeled disease. Not highly likely. I struggle with accepting that this likely won't change, and that my disease paired with my aging body will make these things even more unlikely. I struggle with accepting the daily anger, frustration and heart wrenching sadness that this reality brings about. I struggle with feelings that maybe I'm just not pushing myself hard enough. Maybe I should be more tough, and more adventurous. I struggle with the thought that o...