Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous. If you are new here, I’m glad you stopped by. The rhythm of life. When you think about that, do you picture a constant, steady rhythm or a rhythm that is ever changing, and one where you never know what will be played next? I guess the latter is the true statement, but I do love a good steady rhythm. It seems like once one fire is out out a new one is already burning. You would think we would get used to that, but somehow, it always comes as a surprise. I've always struggled fully living in the joyful moments because a part of me is always waiting for the next challenge that lies ahead. Not a great way to live, but I think the life I have lived with a disability has somewhat cultivated that. The nature of the beast. I would say I live in a state of cautious joy. Writing brings me comfort It’s not that I haven’t had days where my weakness seems more scary than usual. I have. I think those who live with Muscular Dystrophy...