Welcome back! Well, I survived week one post double SVF stem cell procedure, and also got word that the half of my cells I am banking arrived safely at the cell bank. That was a relief! One thing is for sure, there was a definite difference in the single procedure recovery vs. the double procedure recovery. There has been a lot more pain this time. I am still very sore from the procedure. The bruising is getting better, but definitely still there. Also, the area is still swollen and very tender to touch. Each day I have just taken it day by day. I have had some good days, combined with some really painful days. The pain is from the actual procedure, but also I have had some achiness all over that has been pretty persistent and miserable this time, as well as feeling very fatigued. However, I know I am only about a week post procedure, and all of this is to be expected. Allowing your body to heal is important to the process! The first couple of days, I just had a hard time finding a com...