Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous. I'm so glad you are here! Warning, this blog post is a bit of a brain dump that probably will seem all over the place. That's just where my mind is this week. Recently, I have heard/read about so many struggles within the disabled community. Not something unusual, but lately it seems more amplified. Whether it's reading someone's blog, or seeing their content on social media, the tone I've seen lately has me thinking...a lot. Tackling the mountain of merging the disabled community with the non-disabled community can feel so overwhelming at times. I can feel like I’m making a difference based on the feedback that maybe I am currently receiving on a good week, and then I read negative comments or hear feedback from another disabled friend and I think, “this is impossible”. It feels heartbreaking that on top of a disability, we still have so much work to do. We keep doing it despite the ugliness and pushback, and ...