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Showing posts from October, 2023

About Me

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Humbly Courageous
Hi, I’m Amy. I live life with a condition called Bethlem Myopathy which is a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. I like to help others by showing how I live well with a debilitating condition. I was born with this disease, so it’s the only way I know life. I continue to work on embracing myself and using that to help others.


Hope Infusion #8

Hello and welcome back to another week at Humbly Courageous! I hope you are enjoying the fall season wherever you are. Here, the leaves are changing to many beautiful colors and many days the sky is the most brilliant blue. I absolutely am energized by fall! It’s like a painting that has come to life. What a mood boost it is (as long as I push away those feelings that winter is just around the bend, ha!).  Last week, I had my 8th SVF stem cell treatment. This time I chose to only do a single treatment. The last couple have been double treatments, but this time I thought I would just try the one treatment again to mix things up a bit. I have been dealing with some new physical symptoms that seem unrelated to my Muscular Dystrophy, so I didn't want to completely overwhelm my body.  As always, when I have a treatment, I like to share a blog post about how things have been in between treatments. To be honest, I haven't noticed any huge changes. It's also hard to say at this tim...

Good >Bad?

Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous! I’m glad you are here. Life for all of us is full of ups and downs, disabled or not. The point of view that I speak from is that of a lifelong disabled woman, so it’s the only perspective I can speak from. However, throughout my life, things have looked different for me as I go through the changes that age brings coupled with my progressive disease. I’ve gone from walking 100% of the time, to now using various assistive devices as needed. For many non disabled and some disabled folks, it can be hard to grasp the concept of someone like me that uses a wheelchair sometimes and walks sometimes. Many think the only way one needs a wheelchair is when their legs can no longer hold them up, and that can of course be the case. But also, a reality for many disabled people, is that some days we can make it on our legs and some days we can’t. It can depend on a lot of different factors, such as, walking distance, terrain, crowd size and fami...

Living in the Ascent

Hello and welcome! Glad you stopped by! When one sets out to climb a mountain, the goal is to ascend to the top, take in the view and then start the descent back to the bottom on safer ground. What happens when you are stuck living in the ascending state and you never reach the summit? It’s not from lack of trying, but rather from big objects standing in the way. Sometimes in the form of a disability.  What if you stop and take a look around in the middle of the ascent? There is beauty there too. Not only at the top of the mountain, but in the journey there too. You have to try so hard to see it clearly. Maybe you’ve even reached the summit mentally only to be reminded your physical body isn’t getting there anytime soon no matter what you do. That’s a maddening thing when the two don’t match up. Maybe you start the negative and self-blaming talk. You think, hmmmm maybe if I just ignore this it won’t hold me back? Incorrect. Maybe if I work harder I can get there?  Incorrect. M...

Community Chat #3

Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous. I’m so excited to share another community chat with you this week! Tye Martin is a friend who I met through social media just a couple of months ago. We instantly connected and have been supporting each other since. His words truly illustrate what strength in the face of adversity looks like. It may surprise some of you, and I hope it changes some perceptions that others may have, that those of us with disabilities aren’t capable of accomplishing their big goals and aspirations. Tye is a perfect person to debunk that untruth. Without further ado….Dr. Tye Martin!  Dr. Tye Martin Tell me a little bit about yourself. Name, age, where you are from. Future Goals. Hi! My name is Tye and I’m a 34 year old living in the Land of Enchantment full of mountain scenery and hot air balloons. My background is in biomedical engineering and I earned my PhD in 2019. At this point, my health situation and goals are evolving. I am transitioning...