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Showing posts from August, 2022

About Me

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Humbly Courageous
Hi, I’m Amy. I live life with a condition called Bethlem Myopathy which is a rare form of Muscular Dystrophy. I like to help others by showing how I live well with a debilitating condition. I was born with this disease, so it’s the only way I know life. I continue to work on embracing myself and using that to help others.


Cultivating Confidence

Hello and welcome back! Hope this week has been a productive one. I have had a lot of new readers reach out recently, which is very exciting! Humbly Courageous is growing and that makes me smile! I appreciate the kind comments I’ve received, and a few “you’re a good writer”comments, which is not something I ever planned on hearing in my life. This little space has sure brought me more joy than you could imagine. So, thank you! Growing up, my mom was a fantastic cook. She learned from her mom, and our family has a lot of really awesome recipes that have been passed down many generations. I can’t think of any “secret” recipes we have, but by far our family’s most famous are probably angel biscuits and our Thanksgiving fried dressing recipe. My mom would have my sister and I help some in the kitchen when we were younger, or we would watch her cook. I learned a lot just by watching her.  I got more interested in cooking when Jamie and I moved to Memphis. I liked it because it was somet...

Vantage Point

Hello and welcome back, if it’s your first time here I’m glad you are here! This past week was a doozy. Dropping your kid off for college is no joke! The days leading up to it are emotional, and then when you say that last goodbye and walk away, oh man. I’m pretty sure I made some kind of painful sound I’ve never made before as I hugged Luke goodbye, my tears freely flowing. I had hoped to hold it together until I reached the car because it was also a happy and exciting time, but nope! The night before he left, he wanted to sit outside with us and have a fire in our fire pit out back. As we were sitting there enjoying the night, Jamie said “have you ever looked at the house at night from this vantage point?” To which I responded, “yes, but not very often.” After that, I couldn’t get it out of my mind that things can look so different depending on how you view them. I’ll be the first to admit that I spent most of my life viewing my disability stuck at the same vantage point. Feet firmly...

We Did It, Together

Hello, I hope it’s been a great week, glad you are here today at Humbly Courageous. I can remember the exact moment I found out I was pregnant with my firstborn son, Luke. I remember where I was standing, and exactly  what I said to Jamie when I called to share the news with him.  I remember being excited but at the same time scared. Living with Muscular Dystrophy, I was very nervous for how I would handle it all. Funny thing is, as I’m now counting the hours, only about 48 more before we drop him off at college, I’m feeling the same thing. Excited and scared. Excited for him and the possibilities that lie ahead, but scared for the feelings that follow, as we head home without him. Settling into our new normal, just the three of us. Emotions are already high. It was always Purdue 🖤 When you look back on life, you can have these moments of quick snapshots, one after another that just go through your mind. The memories that surface, of a life lived together. Good times, bad tim...

Not Again!

Hello and welcome back, or if you are new here glad you stopped by! Is there something in your life that has happened to you since the beginning that you dread each time it happens? Something you wish would go away, but yet it keeps recurring? Something that causes you anxiety each time you think about it happening because you think it may be worse than the last time it happened? For me, it is falling. I don't have a time in my life where I can remember that falling wasn't a worry in my life.  When I was very little, I would trip and always fall hard straight on my knees. I remember one incident when my friend and I were just walking into school, you know, just trying to fit in, middle school ha! Doing my best to "blend" in with my very awkward gait. All of a sudden, my toe caught on the waxy floor and down I went, flat on my face. I was wearing a matching pink shirt and pants with white tennis shoes, it was raining that day. Vivid memory. I was devastated, and sad. T...