Hello and welcome to a new week at Humbly Courageous. I’m so glad you are here!
Do you dream at night? Do you remember your dreams? I am a very vivid dreamer. Often, I remember my dreams when I wake in the morning. It is so fascinating to me the stories that greet me in my dreams.
There was a time in my life when I went through a period of having terrible nightmares. Strangely enough, I could never remember anything about those dreams. I would wake, wet with sweat, to my mom or dad at my bedside saying my name and telling me I was ok, asking me why I was screaming. I would feel exhausted and was often crying, but I assured them I was ok. I’m thankful I don’t remember what those dreams were that were causing me so much distress.
Sometimes, in my dreams, I am not disabled. I’m doing physical activities, such as running or just walking with ease. I hate waking up from those dreams. I always wish they could last forever.
As a person of faith, I believe that someday, my body will be healed and I will no longer suffer from the limitations of my disability. Truthfully, some days I long for that to come sooner than later.
A few nights ago, I had a dream unlike any other I have ever had. I was in a garden, full of bright and vibrant colors, flowers and a white bench. It was a place I had never seen before. It was a very calming place, and I wanted to stay. While it was brief, it left an “afterglow”. I can’t stop thinking of that place. To me, it felt like a “glimpse of heaven”. It was so different from anything I could imagine seeing here because of the unique colors and “feel”.
A sunset last year that took my breath away. I’d never seen anything like this! |
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