Hello and welcome to another week at Humbly Courageous! I’m glad you are here! This week marks some big changes for me. My two-year term serving as the adult National Ambassador for the Muscular Dystrophy Association is coming to an end. I would be lying if I said I hadn’t shed a few tears these last few days. I will miss this role so much. On the other hand, I can’t help but to take a step back and take in all that being entrusted with this role has brought to my life. When I think about myself when I first started in this role to now, it’s impossible to deny that the growth that has taken place within me has been life changing. I forced myself outside of my comfort zone so many times, and well, that’s where we grow. Trying new things, not always knocking it out of the park, but being proud of ourselves for trying builds confidence. Below, I am sharing my farewell message to the MDA community that I wrote for Quest Media. I could never express in words all that this has meant to me, but below is a good start! It took humble courage to serve in this role, and I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity. To everyone reading who has supported me in any way throughout these two years, thank you! I appreciate you! 💚
To read my blog post click on the link below.
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