Hello and welcome back! Do you ever struggle with that inner voice, the one that tells you that you aren't good enough, or you’re not keeping up, or everyone else is so far ahead of you and achieving all these things, and you will never get there? Of course you probably do. I think we all struggle with that. We are human.
This is the 38th blog post I have written. I go through these periods as I have mentioned before of why am I even doing this? What in the world does a 47 year old woman living with Muscular Dystrophy have to offer or say that even MATTERS??!! Turns out, a lot I guess.
Every time I think of hanging this up, whatever this even is.....I get a message, I kid you not every time, from someone telling me that because of what I am doing it's helping them. So what right? One person, you are doing all this work for one person? Maybe some weeks I am, and other blogs like last week's blog, really got a lot of traction. In the end, it really doesn't matter if it's 1 or 1,000. It's a living human that you have helped by opening up.
Also, what good is it if you have the ability to help others and you just sit on it keeping it to yourself? It's a waste. I get it, not everyone wants to share, and I didn't always either. Has to be the right time for you. People often say to me, "you are so brave to share your story so vulnerably". I have to admit when they say that it causes a little bit of an internal panic, and I start with the negative self talk. Thinking, what do they mean by that? Am I oversharing? Probably sometimes, but that's ok. What they really mean is that it takes big courage to put yourself, good and bad, out there. But at the same time it keeps me moving closer to the goal of accomplishing the plan that was created for me.
some of my artwork |
You never know who your story is going to resonate with. Maybe they are barely hanging on, and your story helps them in some way. Or maybe some people just like seeing some good news every once in awhile. Life is definitely not perfect for anyone, but we all have a unique story to tell. There is a lot more to a person than just the cover of their book. I, for one, enjoy seeing other’s true stories. It gives me hope. People helping people. I’ve said it before, it does take humble courage to be vulnerable, but to me it’s worth it.
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